Monday, May 9, 2016




Deborah Glick <>


Deborah Glick <> 

Assemblymember 66TH  District
New York County


Higher Education Committee
Intern Committee

Governmental Operations
Environmental Conservation
Ways & Means

April 15, 2016

Thank you for contacting me with you heartfelt letter in support of funding for CUNY.  As a CUNY graduate myself, I was thoroughly surprised by the Governor’s budget which shifted state costs of CUNY of nearly $500 million on to New York City.  Although the Governor stepped back from that decision rather early, he continues to shortchange funding of both public higher education systems. 

We were able to provide an increase of $100 per FTE for CUNY community colleges; restoration of child care funds; restoration of $2.5 million for ASAP; and a 20% increase in funding for opportunity programs.

Unfortunately, we were not able to secure funds for capital expansion but we did increase funds for critical maintenance of facilities.  These are much needed since the Governor hasn’t provided capital funds for the last two years.

After 5 years of $300 year tuition increases the Legislature felt that New York families need a break from constantly rising college costs.  We froze tuition for one year and expect to continue the discussion regarding how college is paid for.

Finally, we have been promised that collective bargaining costs will be addressed through both city and state funds when the latest contract is settled.

I know this is not all of what CUNY faculty and students wanted or needed.  This is how negotiations play out when one partner holds a disproportionate authority over the budget.  I will continue to fight for CUNY and I ask you to continue your advocacy on these funding issues. It really made a difference in stopping the cost shift from state funding to city funding.


Deborah J. Glick


▫ DISTRICT OFFICE – 853 Broadway, Suite 2007, New York, New York 10003-4703 Ÿ (212) 674-5153, FAX (212) 674-5530
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Please restore public higher education funding at CUNY
Daniel O'Donnell <>

Thank you for contacting my office to make me aware of your position on State funding for the City University of New York. When developing legislative priorities, I look toward messages from constituents for vital input and direction, and I greatly appreciate that you made the effort to share your views.
I recognize that CUNY is a major research university and I agree that it
is a vital resource for the entire state. In fact, CUNY was established by the New York State Legislature as "an independent system of higher education," that must be "responsive to the needs of its urban setting" and operate as "an integrated system." Since its establishment, CUNY has become one of the largest university systems in the country with enrollment that exceeds 550,000 students and 45,000 employees. Additionally, nearly 85% of CUNY graduates continue to live and pay taxes in New York. Clearly, CUNY is a vital resource for our society and economy.
As a CUNY Law graduate myself, I believe in advocating for as much funding for higher public education as possible, in the form of higher salaries
for professors, higher per-student base aid, and more funding for capital improvements. I have written a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie requesting that full funding for CUNY be restored in New York State's budget, and will continue to monitor developments as the budget process in Albany continues.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office regarding this or any issue that concerns you. I hope, too, that
you will follow my work in the New York State Assembly on my Assembly webpage (, on Twitter (, and on Facebook ( I look forward to hearing from you again.

Very truly yours,
Daniel O'Donnell

Toby Ann Stavisky
Toby Ann Stavisky <>

Thank you for contacting my office, your views are important to me. This message has been sent automatically to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail. Each e-mail message that is received at this address is read by me or a member of my staff.
E-mail is an effective way of conveying your beliefs about legislative matters or community issues, but I ask that you include your full name, address and telephone number in your message. My staff cannot properly evaluate or follow up on your message without this information.
If you need immediate assistance with a particular question or problem and you live in New York Senate District 16, please call, write or send a fax
to my district office:
142-29 37th Avenue, Flushing 11354, Phone: (718) 445- 0004 Fax: (718) 445-8398
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Once again, thank you for contacting my office and for your interest in the governmental process.
Sincerely yours,
TOBY ANN STAVISKY State Senator District 16 

Andrew Hevesi <>

Thank you for your email regarding additional funding for City University of New York (CUNY). I apologize for the delayed response.
To begin, my colleagues and I refused to pass a budget that contained the Governor's punitive and unnecessary proposal to shift $485 million of CUNY operating expenses to New York City. We fought him daily on this issue,
even threatening to walk away from budget negotiations and an on-time budget if he didn't back off. He did, and we stopped that ridiculous proposal.

With regard to the other myriad issues related to CUNY, I wholeheartedly agree with you that in order for CUNY to function and serve its students at optimum level, it needs appropriate funding from the State.
This year, my colleagues and I in the Assembly voted to increase funding for multiple programs. The FY2016-2017 final enacted state budget allocated an increase of $12 million in operating funds for CUNY. The budget includes $6.2 million in support for CUNY community colleges for an increase of $100 per full-time equivalent (FTE) student to $2,697 per FTE student. $2.5 million was dispersed for CUNY's Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), which provides motivated community college students with the comprehensive support they need to earn their degree(s) as quickly as possible.
To ensure CUNY students, faculty, staff and the community have continued access to quality, affordable child care options, the final budget restored $902,000 in funding to CUNY child care centers.
I recognize that a number of issues, including new faculty contracts, maintenance of effort and the dream act were not part of the final budget. However, I substantively agree with you on most of those issues and will continue to work toward achieving the results that CUNY, its students and faculty deserve.
Thank you again for writing regarding funding for CUNY. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either myself for
my Deputy Chief of Staff, Kevin Wisniewski, at (718) 263-5595. Sincerely,
Andrew Hevesi
28th Assembly District 

Catharine M. Young
Catharine Young <>

Thank you for emailing me, and I truly appreciate hearing from you. Your comments and suggestions are very important to me and an integral part of the legislative process. I take a great deal of care in reading each and
every email on a daily basis. I receive hundreds of emails every week and will respond in writing as quickly as possible. If you have not included
your phone number and postal address in your email, please resend your original correspondence with this information.
If you would like to be kept up to date on issues facing the New York State Senate, please log on to my websites, for news, interactive polls, and legislative initiatives.
Again, thank you for your email.
Cathy Young Member of Senate 

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